Lowongan Kerja Sulawesi " Makassar, Palu, Manado, Mamuju, Kendari "

lowongan kerja pt.pal indonesia persero

makassar - Sulawesi Selatan

PT Pal Indonesia (Persero), BUMN was established by the
Netherlands's government in 1939 under its original name of
Marine Establishmen (ME). The
Company was renamed
Kaigun SE 2124 while under the colonial governance of
Japan. After Independence Day, the Indonesian Government
nationalized the colonial Company and renamed it Penataran
Angkatan Laut (PAL). On April 15, 1980, the status of the
Company was changed from a Public Company (P
erusahaanUmum) to a Limited Company (P
erseroan Terbatas) in
accordance with notary deed No.12 of Hadi Moentoro, SH.
The factory is located at Ujung, Surabaya and the main
activities of the Company are the manufacturing of naval and
merchant ship, docking repairs and maintenance, and general
engineering based on job orders.
Alamat : PT Pal Indonesia (Persero)
up. Kadiv. Bin. Org. & SDM
d/a. JL. Ujung Surabaya /Tlp 0213457777
Lowongan yang dibutuhkan, Persyaratan,
1. Staff Administrasi (SA)
2. Sekretaris (SKR)
3. Supervisior (SR)
4. Customer Service (CS)
Lokasi Kerja di :
Persyaratan : •SLTA (SMK / SMA)D1/D2/D3/S1/S2
•Maksimal usia 30 tahun
•Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang dilengkapi dengan :
•Copy sertifikat / sertifikat ujian akhir pendidikan terakhir
•Fotocopy KTP
•Warna foto 3x4 cm (2) lembar)
•Keterangan Dokter
•Laporan surat : mampu mengikuti program pelatihan
Alamat Surat, dsb :
•Kelengakapan berkas lamaran :
Surat lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup
Foto Copy ijazah dan transkrip
Fotokopi KTP
Pasphoto ukuran 4 x 6 cm
Kirim ke via e-mail :
Human Resources development
Nama Badan Usaha :PT.PAL INDONESIA (Persero),
Alamat Badan Usaha :Ujung Surabaya P.O Box 1134
Kabupaten :
Kode Pos :60155
Telepon :031-33457799
Fax :031-3292530
Bentuk Badan Usaha :Badan Usaha Nasional

Email : pt.pal@usa.com

By. Lowongan kerja Sulawesi di makassar - Sulawesi Selatan

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